Friday, June 27, 2008

Cristi Adkins, Anne Franklin and Peter Boykin are Clintons for McCain

"No, we will NOT 'get over it...for a coke snortin, fist bumpin unqualified candidate"
Hear c4m co-founder Cristi Adkins on John Gibson's Fox Radio show recorded June 27th, confront one of your typical ObamaBots who just happened to call in. PUMA and c4m objector calls the show with typical misogyny and racism on display, and is shot down quickly by Cristi. The Obamaphiles just don't get it, and Cristi takes a little time out of her day to set one straight. "You white women need to fall in line and get over it" just doesn't cut it, this IS the 21st Century, correct?(Approximately 8 minutes, mp3 format.)
Cristi's appearance on Fox Radio with John Gibson:View here:

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