Sunday, November 2, 2008

Closing Arguments for Clinton Supporters Voting for McCain

Voting time nears, and this is OUR "closing argument" on why we will vote McCain, and you should as well. We've compiled our Top Five reasons NOT to vote for Obama, to go with our article on Why Vote McCain on this page.

c4m's Top Five reasons to vote NO to Obama on Nov. 4th:

5.) Judgement/Character:

His radical associations, starting more than 25 years ago and cultivated since then are cause for alarm. How much of the teachings of Frank Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and other haters of our great country make up part of Obama's leanings?

4.) The mainstream cheerleader press:

The Fourth Estate is supposed to be looking out for Americans and serving the readers, NOT serving or being beholden to ANY political candidate or office holder. The press and mainstream TV news departments are openly rooting for Obama. They're willing partisans, not journalists anymore. They join leftist Hollywood and pop culture in mindless Obamamania.

3.) NO experience for the job:

Obama himself admits and has said he's "never been in charge of anything" and that's spooky. We're not comfortable giving the keys to a rookie at this critical time for our nation. Joe Biden -- the fumbling, bumbling inept clod said it best himself: The Presidency doesn't need "on the job training."

2.) Joe Biden: This clumsy, inept gaffe machine needs to retire. He's a Poster Boy for term limits in Congress if ever there was one. His record in Washington is littered with pork barrel spending, mindless entitlements, and downright ridiculous earmarks. He's part of the PROBLEM in Washington, not part of the solution.

1.) Absolute power corrupts absolutely:

Need more be said? If Obama is elected, he will have a Democrat controlled House and a filibuster-proof Senate as his lapdogs. He will be able to do whatever he wishes with NO checks and balances to hinder him in any way. He WILL raise taxes, WILL redistribute income, WILL balloon the deficit and WILL appoint activist, leftist judges to our Supreme Court and the Federal bench. Who's going to stop him? No one will be able to.


Do you really want the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jack Murtha, Barney Frank and the rest of the Democrat-dominated WORST Congress in the history of this country to have a blank check with YOUR earnings? Or would you rather have someone standing up to these robbers and thieves?

Do you really want people like Ayers, Odinga, Wright, Farrakhan, Hamas, (which has endorsed Obama and called Biden a "great man") to have the ear of the President of the United States? With such a President possibly beholden to those who helped him build his base of power?

Put aside your Party Preference and vote Country First. It takes courage to do so.

This race isn't about the color of Obama's skin, it's about the thinness of it. Do you really want a President who is so paranoid and thin skinned, so Nixonian, that he attacks the Joe the Plumbers of the country? One whose campaign, supporters and followers hurl vicious hatred at anyone not falling in line and supporting this flim-flam man? Who say the only reasons you might not be voting for Obama is that you're stupid, ignorant, uneducated or racist?

We say no. Nobama!

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