Friday, July 25, 2008

Foreign Policy Flip Flops, Fake Interviews & the Media's Obama Love Fest...

…Why You Deserve the Truth about the “Messiah’s” Magical World Tour

Big shot media anchors, a fawning, hand-picked press corps and an arsenal of “fake interviews” can’t stop Barack Obama from piling up mistakes on his tour of the Middle East. “Obama is running around meeting with world leaders negotiating foreign policy as if he’s president,” said Cristi Adkins, founder of the grassroots political group Clintons4Mccain. “Obama’s behavior is wrong and dangerous.”

“Obama is making up his script as he goes,” continued Adkins. “As a sitting senator, he has no authority to agree to an Iraqi timetable for withdrawal or commit sending troops to Afghanistan. His actions are unacceptable and he’s jeopardizing our country’s safety.”

Political pundit David Gergen agrees that Obama made a mistake this week when the senator released a statement outlining details of his discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
"We have a long tradition in this country that we only have one president at a time,” Gergen said in an interview with CNN. “He's the commander in chief and the negotiator in chief. I cannot remember a campaign which a rival seeking the presidency has been in a position negotiating a war that's under way with another party outside the country. I think he leaves himself open to the charge … that he's meddling, that this is not his role, that he can be the critic, but he's not the negotiator."

In addition to Obama’s foreign policy gaffes, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell also criticized the senator for conducting fake press interviews during this week’s Mideast tour.

"Let me say something about the message management,” Mitchell said on the air. “He didn't have reporters with him, he didn't have a press pool, he didn't do a press conference," either in Afghanistan or Iraq. Instead Obama manufactured "what some would call 'fake interviews,' because they are not interviews from a journalist."

For more information on the 2008 presidential campaign and other current affairs ignored by the main stream media, be sure to catch the Clintons4McCain new weekly radio show.

The interactive 60-minute show, originating from cities across the United States, will air every Saturday from 5pm to 6pm EST on the BlogTALKRadio network.
Anyone with a computer can listen from anywhere in the world at and listeners can take part in the conversation by calling (347) 633-9273.

Written by NoMeansNobama, C.C.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

URGENT: (Please share this info)
Philip J. Berg, Esq. Files Federal Lawsuit Requesting Obama Be Removed as a Candidate as he does not meet the Qualifications for President.