Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Why, You Think Obama is Dangerous? Oh My...

Why, You Think Obama is Dangerous? Oh My…

By: Tracy Karol

It might be a subtle uneasy feeling felt deep inside, like a nagging suspicion you’ve left the iron on with a baby in the room. You are not even quite sure what it is about him, but you know something about Barack Hussein Obama is a bit, well, frightening…dangerous, even. Oops, I said his middle name…it’s only a matter of time before they come and get me!

It could be that you aren’t sure if he has socialist tendencies if not communist/Marxist views (witness his recent wild popularity in European countries with socialist leanings), or Muslim ties, relations and at best sympathies (he has received funds and endorsements from Muslim groups and even terrorists). The two are on opposite ends of the spectrum, so you don’t really know what to believe about Barack Obama but feel he’s slick, maybe too slick?

You might think Obama is dangerous because he doesn’t seem to think before he speaks, unless it is a carefully crafted speech, of course, and those are often blatantly stolen from speeches of the past. When he does speak off the cuff, his remarks show his inexperience, like his comments about invading Pakistan, a country with nuclear weapons – and again after he has oft said he wants to pull out of Iraq. Where does he stand on war? Who truly knows, since he never seems to admit when he is wrong on issues? Hmmm….Clinton supporters have a bit more insight and intelligence when it comes to such things. Call it ‘intuition.’

You might think Barack Obama is dangerous because he never seems to tell the truth. He has changed positions so many times – flip-flopped, if you will – whispering to one audience what it wants to hear and another what it prefers, while the media turns a blind eye, so you truly have no idea what his policies are. In fact, he doesn’t seem to have any policies, other than “hope and change,” which are mere words that sound pretty but don’t actually mean anything.

You think Barack Obama is dangerous because you have been left to wonder if his friends are worse than Al Qaeda; oops I did it again, here they come. By now, some, not all, but some of you have probably heard of his past associations (or not truly past; just tossed under the bus, for the time being) with:

Tony Rezco, the developer and criminal who helped him get his start in Chicago politics and was a close personal friend to both Barack and Michelle Obama, buying the empty lot next to their house so they could buy their home. He’s now in jail.

Louis Farrakhan, whom he helped organize the Million Man March, and who is known as the “black Hitler.”

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his pastor for 20 years at his radical church, whose rants about AIDS were blatantly racist, who damned America and said our country deserved the 9/11 attacks, while Obama sat in the pews listening and later brought Wright on as an advisor to his campaign.
William Ayers, the terrorist who blew up buildings and also held fundraisers for Barack Obama.

The last and most certainly one of the worst, Rajala Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya and cousin of Obama who is accused of radical terrorist acts and ethnic cleansing since as far back as 1985. Yet, Obama still endorsed his candidacy and campaigned for him during his run for Prime Minister.

These are just a few of his associates…there are plenty more to come. With friends like Obama's, who needs Al Qaeda?

You think Barack Obama is dangerous because he is inexperienced?
You think he is a proven liar?
You are concerned about electability because of little things like being radically to the left on the issues?

Hmmm…what do you think of his stance on abortion – going further than even NARAL would in voting against legislation similar to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act in Illinois, and his record as the most liberal Senator, a title he took away from Ted Kennedy? Barbaric maybe you think?

Well, if only you’d studied his tax plan you’d know that no matter what your income level, you will pay significantly more in taxes under his leadership than you would under John McCain’s. That should make you feel less reluctant about his competency, right?

Yet even with his radical plans, he is still against gay marriage, something most in the homosexual community don’t even know – so they support him, assuming he will back that cause when in fact he is only in favor of civil unions, the same as John McCain. While his healthcare plan would not only leave millions still uninsured, it would drive up taxes so high that those who most needed it would be pushed into poverty. Yet, you think he is dangerous? I say indeed!

You know Barack Obama is dangerous for this country, and you know he is dangerous for you personally? There are many reasons why people think he is dangerous, so you are not alone.

He’s a study in contradictions. It’s impossible to point to just one, as it’s impossible to pin him down on any one thing. But one thing is clear: You know Obama, a dangerous man, is the wrong choice for America.


Carlos Echevarria said...

Great post Tracy...you are so right!

Who really is B. Hussein Obama? why can't even get a straight answer as to his birth certificate or his years in Indonesia!

For that matter is thug relatives in Kenya, like cousin Raila Odinga, a Marxist Jihadist hybrid and PM of Kenya...

I really hope Mac sees the light and picks Sarah Palin, that would be a major ticket that could make history in November.

Unknown said...

Hooray for you Tracy. I applaud your great post. I just can't believe that anyone who hasn't fallen under the trance of "the chosen one" could seriously consider him qualified to be President.

Almost no experience. Absolutely socialistic views seeking to redistribute the wealth of America and rule the WORLD. Honestly, it would be interesting to see an historical parallel between this Senator who has no real accomplishments to his name and Adolf Hitler.

I can't wait to hear this Saturdays upcoming radio program.

Honestly, Hillary owes this person nothing. I think she should throw him under the bus just like he does with anyone who becomes inconvenient to him. She should endorse John McCain and let everyone know given her history of doing what she believes is best for our country she can't continue to support someone so bent on destroying our great nation!

I also think it's interesting that anyone who doesn't share Obama's views is held up as a radical right winger.

Keepin It Real said...

Shocking isn't it that anyone could actually vote for this man!

Check out this video and tell me you can vote for him...
